package com.rdlze.radializebase.utils; import; /** * This class represents a item id and value, this value may be compared if * required to do the sorting. * * @author Alex Amorim Dutra * */ public class AIRecommendedItem implements Comparable, Serializable { /** * Default Serial version */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private long itemId; private float value; private float popularity; private float unknown = 1; private float age; private String locality; private boolean answeredAllFilters; private String sortBy; private int intSortBy; private int searchFeedBack; /** * Class constructor. * * @param itemId * integer with item id. * @param value * float with value of ranking to item. * @param popularity * float with popularity of item. * @param unknown * float with the value of unknown items by user. * @param age * float with age of item. * @param locality * String with locality of item. * @param sortBy * String indicating sort by popularity or unknown or age or * locality. */ public AIRecommendedItem(long itemId, float value, float popularity, float unknown, float age, String locality, String sortBy) { this.itemId = itemId; this.value = value; this.age = age; this.popularity = popularity; this.unknown = unknown; this.locality = locality; this.sortBy = sortBy.toLowerCase(); if (sortBy.equals("popularity")) { intSortBy = 1; } else if (sortBy.equals("unknow")) { intSortBy = 2; } else if (sortBy.equals("age")) { intSortBy = 3; } else if (sortBy.equals("locality")) { intSortBy = 4; } else { intSortBy = 5; } } public long getItemID() { return itemId; } /** * set doc ID. * * @param itemId * item id to be set */ public void setItemID(int itemId) { this.itemId = itemId; } /** * Get value times. * * @return float value times */ public float getValue() { return value; } /** * set value times. * * @param newValue * times that the item will appear */ public void setValue(float newValue) { this.value = newValue; } public float getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(float age) { this.age = age; } public float getUnknown() { return unknown; } public void setUnknown(float unknown) { this.unknown = unknown; } public float getPopularity() { return popularity; } public void setPopularity(float popularity) { this.popularity = popularity; } public String getLocality() { return locality; } public void setLocality(String locality) { this.locality = locality; } public String getSortBy() { return sortBy; } public boolean isAnsweredAllFilters() { return answeredAllFilters; } public void setAnsweredAllFilters(boolean answeredAllFilters) { this.answeredAllFilters = answeredAllFilters; } public int getSearchFeedBack() { return searchFeedBack; } public void setSearchFeedBack(int searchFeedBack) { this.searchFeedBack = searchFeedBack; } /** * Indicates which feature is used to sorted the list. * * @param sortBy * String with feature to sort by. */ public void setSortBy(String sortBy) { this.sortBy = sortBy.toLowerCase(); if (sortBy.equals("popularity")) { intSortBy = 1; } else if (sortBy.equals("unknow")) { intSortBy = 2; } else if (sortBy.equals("age")) { intSortBy = 3; } else if (sortBy.equals("locality")) { intSortBy = 4; } else { intSortBy = 5; } } public int compareTo(AIRecommendedItem item) { float value1; float value2; switch (this.intSortBy) { case 1: value1 = item.getPopularity(); value2 = this.getPopularity(); break; case 2: value1 = item.getUnknown(); value2 = this.getUnknown(); break; case 3: value1 = item.getAge(); value2 = this.getAge(); break; case 4: value1 = Integer.parseInt(item.getLocality()); value2 = Integer.parseInt(this.getLocality()); break; default: value1 = item.getValue(); value2 = this.getValue(); break; } if (value1 > value2) return 1; else if (value1 < value2) return -1; else return 0; } public String toString() { return "ID: " + itemId + ", VALUE.: " + value + " NOVELTY: " + unknown + " ISPLAYING: " + searchFeedBack; // return "ITEM ID: " + itemId + " VALUE: " + value + " NOVELTY: " // + unknown + " POPULARITY: " + popularity // + " ANSWERED ALL FILTERS: " + answeredAllFilters+"...... "; } public boolean equals(AIRecommendedItem recItem) { if (this.itemId == recItem.itemId) return true; return false; } }